kyoto private tour

Today, I went to my sister’s little nieces to tell me that they had gone to Kyoto private tour last time and felt that she was so happy to go to Kyoto private tour last time to show me some small gifts she had received. Sister said you have not come for a long time, she has always been talking about her aunt, and I still have a bit of trouble in my heart. I did not eat dinner at home for a month for a month and not to mention a little niece at home. Last time they went to Kyoto private tour. They also plan to go with them, but it’s a pity that they still can’t go together.





シンガポール 観光

平時我自己沒事的時候就會和我男朋友一起去シンガポール 観光,每次從シンガポール 観光回來之後我的心情就是非常的好了,沒辦法誰讓這個シンガポール 観光的環境可是超好的,可以說在シンガポール 観光裡面不但可以玩很多非常的有意思的項目而且還可以欣賞到漂亮的風景,最主要的是這個シンガポール 観光周圍的美食也是超好吃,在這麼一個可以吃到美食欣賞到風景的地方我相信肯定是會讓更多的人,現在每次去這裡面玩的時候都發現人可是超多。





pushbutton switch

明天開始我們就要裝修新家了所以我特別期待檢查了一下要買的東西也都差不多了但是好想唯獨忘了買pushbutton switch 了於是我就打電話給老公讓他下班回家順路去商場買幾個pushbutton switch 明天裝修的時候用。我和老公都是學室內裝修設計的所以我們準備通過自己的雙手讓我們的新家變個樣兒所有的東西都是自己買的然後所有的裝修步驟也都是自己完成的我覺得肯定特別有成就感,雖然我們平時都是負責設計的部分也沒有親手去裝修過但是相信我們可以邊學邊練成功裝修好的。



Taipei Japanese restaurant

Some time ago, my friend came to my house to be a guest. I had made a reservation to the place where I had dinner at Taipei Japanese restaurant. This Taipei Japanese restaurant was especially big in our side. I usually only be the most important person who entertained himself to eat food in this place, because of the usual Ta IPEI Japanese restaurant is very difficult to book, because the business is very hot, if not advance booking estimates, there is no chance to enjoy the food in it, I also thought that if I chose to be in Taipei Japanese restaurant my friend would feel good, and the result is really like my own thought. That way, that day we can say what we eat in Taipei Japanese restaurant is very high to my friend.


Last time I had dinner with my friend, I didn’t mean to mention that my adapter was bad. Then my friend said that there was a lot of time when my family had a adapter and I didn’t have to buy it. I thought he was just saying that I didn’t take it for second days and I didn’t think that my friend took adapter to my house. It was a little unexpected for me to install me, but I forgot all about it, but my friend always remembered that it was not a big event, but I was particularly touched. Only my sincere friends would be particularly concerned about even if it was unintentionally mentioned, although our relationship was always very good and often come out. What’s for dinner, but I’m still very touched.