hybrid cloud

現在電腦裡面的東西是越來越多了,有的時候電腦真的是很卡的,我都不知道要怎麼辦,我每天的工作真的是很多的,要是機子反應慢的話,我還真的是有些受不了,後來我的一個朋友說是,可以讓我把一些不用的文件放在這個hybrid cloud裡面,他說是自己就是這樣,自從使用了這個hybrid cloud之後,他的電腦就很快的,而且他覺得這個hybrid cloud真的是很不錯,所以建議我用一下的,聽到他這麼說,我就趕緊的想試一下這個hybrid cloud,希望就如朋友說的 那樣的好吧。



5 Star Hotel Taipei

就讓朋友在這個5 Star Hotel Taipei裡面住宿吧,我覺得這個5 Star Hotel Taipei還是很不錯的,而且我也有在這個5 Star Hotel Taipei裡面住宿過,我覺得裡面的環境是很不錯的,而且住在裡面真的是很舒服的,再說了朋友難得來到臺北一次,所以我一定要讓他住的舒服一些才是。那天聽到朋友說是要來臺北玩,我就高興的不得了,我就開始張羅起來了,我想為他安排好一切,在選擇酒店的時候,我就想到了這個5 Star Hotel Taipei了,這個離我上班的地方也是很近的,所以我覺得讓朋友住在這個5 Star Hotel Taipei裡面,我真的是很放心的,希望對於我的這個安排,朋友到時能滿意吧。

job vacancy

I think it is not a few people do not know job vacancy, the job vacancy is now very popular, as long as you want to find a good job you have to go to job vacancy to find it, now this job vacancy was not only the people looking for work is love, is love with many famous companies when I was looking for a job, because looking for work in the job vacancy above, otherwise I will not find their own estimates of a various aspects are very consistent with the conditions of their own work, then I put the job vacancy recommended to some of my friends, they like me very soon by job vacancy found his love of work, but they are also on the job vacancy evaluation is particularly high.

台湾 凤梨酥

買的台湾 凤梨酥其實我覺得還算不錯,但是也不知道他們怎麼了,他們都不怎麼喜歡吃,我說你們也不要那麼挑剔了,這在台灣的話,台湾 凤梨酥是很受歡迎的東西,你們怎麼會不喜歡吃呢,有的時候我覺得我們和他們會有很大的不同,我自己也說不上來是有什麼樣的不同,但是我就是會覺得很不舒服,但是我現在不會想那麼多了,只要我自己覺得可以,我就會一直去做,所以說是我覺得只要覺得台湾 凤梨酥不錯,那麼我每次從台灣回來,我都會買一些給我的親朋好友帶來。



Interior Designer

My sister is introverted, but heart is relatively small, so he would be a Interior Designer, I think it is no problem, so he said at the time when the design is to choose a professional, I have no objection, because in my opinion, this design is really very professional for him, now my vision is very good, because now the sister is already a Interior Designer, but his design is really very good, now they go inside the company to do the design of the people would go to him to do the design, I think my sister’s ability is very good, as long as he is working hard, the future will become a very good Interior Designer, I have the confidence in him, I believe he can do it.



data center security

Since we all installed the data center security machine is our company haven’t appeared any problems before, I still remember our machine is always from time to time there will be some problems, the network department staff always come to us to see what problems loom, until the US network department the staff for our machine are installed in the data center security will no longer appear a big problem, a few days ago when I and the staff of the Department of network chat they and I joked that now they are basically nothing, always do not know, is not installed the data center security in this way they can spend some time.

