part time job

Recently found a time job part himself learned a lot of knowledge, and he felt very substantial. When evening friends to my house and asked me recently in busy what I did not see how she heard about shopping, I said I was looking for a part time job so now rarely go shopping friends about things, friends listened to my story that she was working is not particularly busy I would also like to do a part time job, listening to a friend talk about things I said I can help her to contact the part time job thing, I will tell my friends can learn a lot of knowledge he had no contact with it, can be a very good exercise yourself. I heard friends say that just say that it is good.







office renovation

I didn’t think I would have to deal with this renovation office thing is so good, I really was too happy, and I think I should thank a friend’s. Just a few days ago, our leadership is to give us the office redecorated it, he will give the things to me at that time, I heard that when I really do not know how to do that, because I am on this office renovation thing is not very good ah. Then I thought of a friend to do the decoration, I will give him a call, he would come to help me, with his help, I put the office renovation things done, our leadership is also very satisfied, now, wait to have time, I must be a good to thank our friends.



酒店 消費

去臺灣旅遊的時候我一個朋友就說酒店 消費裡面非常的不錯,如果我有時間的話可以去酒店 消費裡面看看,對于我這個朋友我一直以來都覺得人家的眼光非常的不錯,當然人家每次給我推薦的什麽東西或者是什麽地方從來也是沒有讓我失望過的呢,因此我就特意的把我朋友所說的酒店 消費記了下來,說來我的運氣也是挺不錯的,我當時報的那個旅遊團人家給我們安排所住的地方就是酒店 消費的呢,要不然我估計自己即使是想要去酒店 消費看看也沒有什麽時間和機會的。



fashion design course singapore

Friends give me is a recent fashion design course Singapore is going to begin, let me go with her to learn it, if I agree, is to let us early registration, or to finally have the quota, I was also directly and friends to report it, did not expect the results at the fashion design course of Singapore also really is more special, it is not thought, especially the study of the fashion design course Singapore the teacher really is speaking too well, I heard it was a really is to understand the feeling before a lot of knowledge I have learned, is really great, will work hard to learn.


Or I will go to AWS company to work, because I think this AWS is really good, but my cousin is in the AWS company, AWS company if I go to work, I want to work in cousin also can help me, so I decided to go to the interview. This time, I have been looking for a job, I don’t know what kind of company to work better, then I saw the AWS company, the AWS company is very good here, I think if I go there to work, that for their own benefit but also a lot of. So I prepared to go to the interview, I think I have the ability to through their assessment.