kamen rider

And my nephew exchange actually not very difficult for me, because I know he is like watching kamen rider, I also like to watch kamen rider, so to say every time I go to my brother home, I will give him to buy some kamen rider toys, after he saw will be very excited, I think, and kids together and you will become very easy and simple, I was very happy, sometimes you want to do something, then you should want to know how to do this in the end is the best, I think I communicate with people in terms of what is no problem, because I really like the kind of the more interesting exchanges, as long as they like then there is no problem









inkjet printer

My sister told me that she is ready to give her studio to buy two sets of inkjet printer, said this weekend to go shopping malls inside look at. Listen to my sister story I will tell my sister I have a classmate in a shopping mall inside special sale of printer I can take her to my classmates about the store, if you buy inkjet printer in my students to open the shop inside it the students I will certainly give the lowest price, I do speaking just let me take her to my students to open the shop inside look at the weekend when her sister, hear my sister said that I also promise. Night I will give me the students call about her inside the shop to see the printer to the events of the weekend.


我给儿子买的高達这么快就到了,前几天去商场买高達没有买到,感觉还挺对不起儿子的,因为儿子都已经问我要了好多次的高達了,我也看得出来他很想要高達,不过后来我在网上找到了儿子说的那种高達,我還仔細的看了 一下呢,這次的高達在網上的銷量還是非常的高的。難怪兒子這么的喜歡于是就在网上买了, 我早上去查了一下快递的物流,高達已经快要到了,不过这个快递还是挺快的这才两天就已经快到了,还是非常给力的,应该今天下班就可以把高達给儿子带回去了,儿子看到这个高達一定会非常开心了。

台北 太陽餅

好久都沒有吃台北 太陽餅了,這幾天還蠻想吃的,因為我剛生完小孩,所以不方便出去,於是就給我老公打了一個電話,想讓他在下班回來的路上到我們之前經常去的那家店買些台北 太陽餅回來,老公也是很爽快的答應我了,所以跟他講完電話之後我就一直在期待老公回來給我買台北 太陽餅呢,大概過了有一個多小時吧!他提著熱騰騰的台北 太陽餅跑到我跟前說是還是熱的,讓我趕緊吃,我迫不及待的連手都沒有洗,就開始吃了。因為太想念台北 太陽餅的味道了,以至於都忘了洗手了。

Pool Furniture

Go to a friend’s house to play while see family friend Pool Furniture is very beautiful, I asked a friend of her house Pool Furniture is when what I bought her house when how can not see the last time to say so, friends heard me say when her brother last trip to Taiwan to buy did not think of, pretty. Heard friends say I told a friend of her brother look pretty good. At a friend’s house to play while I went with a friend to go to the amusement park to play, then with the friend in the amusement park to play for a long time I told a friend to dinner with friends in friends, when you eat just told me is when the next vacation said that she would like to travel to Taiwan because she saw her brother in Taiwan play photos scenery very good.

